I'm Gonna Win Today
Race Stats
Position: 1st
Total Time: 12:19
Distance: 2.2 miles
“I’m going to win today”
Have you ever had that feeling when you wake up and just know you’re going to crush it? That natural feeling that everything is just right in the world, and today, it’s your turn. “I’m gonna win today,” he told us when he woke up. He said it a few more times throughout the morning, dead set on finishing first. All season long, he’s been among the top finishers, but he hasn’t yet laid claim to the top spot. After each race, he’d get in the car and say, “I could have won if I just would have…”
As a parent, the best thing to do is to listen and let your athlete process what they did and didn’t do. After each race where he came up just short, you could see it in him—the desire, the drive, the passion. He knew he could have pushed himself a little harder and won. In our family, we love quoting David Goggins: “When your mind is telling you you’re done, you’re really only 40 percent done.” Our kids know that when they hear “40 PERCENT!” from the crowd, it’s usually Mom or Dad shouting words of encouragement. We’re rooting for them, but more importantly, we’re letting them know they have so much more to give to reach their absolute best.
Today is October 5, 2023, a league match, and it’s a big deal. On top of that, they were going to have donuts at the school, so in the famous words of Ice Cube, “Today was a good day,” especially for a 12-year-old ready to take on the junior high cross-country racing world. We started the morning off with a healthy breakfast of waffles topped with peanut butter, scrambled eggs, and bacon—a good balance of carbs, fats, and protein to power him through the race. Knowing a donut was in his near future, we kept the simple carbs to a minimum. But you can’t cheat a 12-year-old out of a free donut on race day! Kids are resilient, and we knew a donut wouldn’t hurt him.
I don’t know how to put it into words, but this kid is something else. Resilient. When he puts his mind to something, he achieves it. He’s humble, focused, and motivated like no one I’ve ever met. He doesn’t give up when things don’t go his way. He just focuses more, works harder, and ultimately, he gets what he sets out to achieve.